Wednesday, August 26, 2015

summer snapshot - week 3

treating ella to ice cream because she watched d for me while i took lc to the doctor.
we were cracking up at the way darrel was eating an ice cream cone.
he was biting it, and just devouring it - he couldn't eat it fast enough!
drew reading to d in our bed, he loves taking him in there to play and read to him.
stopping by the comic store on the last day of the sm bball camp,
and the last time before the comic store moved to its new location.
watching d play croquet out the window as we were finishing dinner -
he knew just what to do even tho we have never played, we were impressed.
reading my book while finishing dinner-
chris was working late, it was nice to be able to just sit, read and eat!
early morning walk with john john.
he brought along his basketball and had fun shooting on hoops in the neighborhood.
little d using a toy skateboard, cracked us up.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

summer snapshot - week 2

summer breakfast: skillet potatoes with a fried egg on top sprinkled with salt and paprika.
ella's dance recital- her bff elise took a class with her this year, lyrical.
summer snack: strawberries with greek yogurt and brown sugar.
we used to use sour cream and have switch to healthier with greek yogurt.
first you dip the berry in the yogurt then dip it into the brown sugar.
sm bball camp- john attended all week. darrel loved playing in the gym on the last day.
andrew was a leader at the ssj vbs camp this week, lc was supposed to be also-
but was unable to because of his knee injury, he had to ice and elevate all week.
he also started physical therapy for it this week.
morning baths with this little cutie.
oh how we love having this little guy in the house, we all want to eat him up!
summer lunch: fresh greens with cucumber, tomatoes, and salami -
the kids love this and it's one of their favorite lunches to take to school during the year.
donut holes made by john and ella...delish!