Thursday, May 9, 2024

hosting Christmas Eve 2022

 Gotta get back to blogging...

Last year we hosted Christmas Eve for the first time.

For many many years we have hosted Christmas Day brunch with both sides of the family.

And Christmas Day dinner with my side of the family.

I was a bit nervous about the commitment of hosting on top of  having everything ready for Christmas morning for the kids.
But, it all worked out great and we had a wonderful celebration with extended family.
The cousins had a great time together. 
Ella got some selfies of us before we all went to bed.

And of John dancing, and one with Andrew walking by :)
I think these are all the pics I have from the night.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

John John: a good big brother

I had to document this day from april 2019. 
john was in 5th grade, lia was three.
i took a picture of it when it happened because it was so sweet of our john john.
lia wanted someone to paint her nails.
i was busy as were the older kids (or maybe they weren't even home, don't remember).
john stepped up and said I'll do it!

what a sweet older brother.
and he even did a really good job.
hooray for this middle school age sibling stepping up to help out :)
what could make a mother happier?


Monday, October 26, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020

this was right before covid and it wasn't like my normal Valentine's Day.
I usually set the table really festive & pretty and leave little gifts at everyone's place setting.
but Ella had a friend come home from school with her and I didn't have anything for her.
I didn't want her to feel left out and I didn't feel like running out to get something.
so, I just kept it simple and made our traditional heart shaped pizza's.
we only make the heart one's on Valentine's Day so it was still special.
who knew covid was right around the corner, this day seems like forever ago now.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

kitty cat shoes and high ponytails

two things about lia i want to document to remember from when she was 3 1/2:

her black kitty cat slip on velvety shoes she loved to wear.

and her desire to wear her hair in a high ponytail each day.

one spring afternoon when she was 3 1/2 she decided to help unload the dishwasher.

decked out in her kitty cat shoes and high ponytail, this memory is stored in my brain.

she offered to do Ella's part since she wasn't home.

my 2 girls have both been quick to become independent and figure things out on their own.

no asking questions on how to do it or ask that I do it for them.

just happy to help and learn a new skill all on their own, girls are mature that way.

i love that I have a picture of this simple event.

i have such fond memories of my children and our days together when they were young.

i searched my computer to find this pic because I knew I had it -

and i wanted to make sure i had it documented since it makes my heart full and happy.

Friday, October 2, 2020

jets v. bombers - Darrel kindergarten 2020

Darrel's big kindergarten t-ball game was just last year, seems like so long ago now.

it's crazy to look back and realize that this was just a little over a month before covit hit.

all our kids have been so excited for this special day in kindergarten, and D was too!

he wore his hat backwards the entire game which kind of cracked me up.
I was hoping it would provide some shade to his face :)
his teachers in the huddle here with the class, he loved all his teachers and so did i.

I just love that smile of his - and his enthusiasm for sports.
with three older brothers, he has become quite the sports fan.
lots of pics of him at bat coming up....
lia was in the phase of wanting to do her hair herself, hence her lovely hairstyle :)
our sweet friend David was on student council and involved in the game.
he is always so excited to see the kids at school, mutual feeling with the kids!
our two jets, love that they have that little bond.
d tells me that whenever he saw John at school he would go up to him and give him a hug.
what could make a mother more proud of that? sibling love is the best.
we stayed for awhile after the game so the boys could play 'bump out' as they like to do.
they had a new rule that year that you had to pick up the kindergarteners at the classroom.
so, I would let them stay after school & play for awhile and lia would play on the playground.
they all loved that time and d got in some good competition as he was the youngest playing.
one more jets v. bombers game coming up next year, hopefully covid won't get in the way!

Monday, August 17, 2020

jets vs. bombers - John

had this ready in my drafts too and since i just posted on john's kinder celebration...
I figured I'd continue with his kindergarten year.
the jets v. bombers t-ball game between the 2 kindergarten classes is a big deal.
John was our first jet, darrel was our second jet this last year!
hopefully it won't take me 7 years to post about when he played in this game :)
these little kiddos are so adorable.
our sweet little baby d with his big 4th grade sister and her friends.
and with dad too, so special that he was able to come to the big game.
and with his big 6th grade brother, Andrew.
also, Andrew with his best friend Paul- they are still best friend to this day...
and they are about to start college in a few weeks!
Paul is an only child and his mom informed me last week that she wants Paul to have
six kids like we do. 
she can't wait for lots of grand babies, so sweet.
these two have an amazing friendship.
watch out Loyola Marymount and Gonzaga!
Christopher also had such great friends, they were big 8th graders here.
from 8th grade down to kindergarten, we had the grades covered this year.
so thankful for all the wonderful memories our kids have of their time at ssj.
John and Jake, still good buddies today - John told me last week they are best friends.
can't believe these two had their first day of 7th grade today!
go jets!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

kindergarten celebration - John 2014

another draft of pics i had saved, john's end of the year kindergarten celebration...
and he starts 7th grade in a week and a half! i have a lot of blogging to catch up on.
my little john john, such a sweet kindergartener and a sweet sweet boy.
with his 6th grade buddy, trevor  - they have been family friends of ours for a long time.
and andrew with his kinder buddy in the next pic and then paul with his.
and our little d baby with his big 8th grade brother.
the sweet songs that are always sung under the direction of sr. christine.
we loved her, such a wonderful woman who is no longer with us.
andrew, ella, d and paul - love these kiddos.
and nani too.

kindergarten teachers mrs. escobar (d just had the same teacher) & mrs. mulligan.
i remember how excited john was each day to come home and see his baby brother.
he would run in so eager to see d and spend time with him right away.
since chris drove the carpool to school that year i did not have to pick up, it was great!
and then two years later when lia was born he had that same excitement all over again.
amare, john, jimmy and jake - all still good friends now going into 7th grade.