we began a new Christmas Eve tradition at our house this year. the kids asked if they could each open a gift on Christmas Eve. As this was a tradition in my family (starting when we were a little older...it was usually a new outfit to wear on Christmas Eve) I thought it was a good idea. They had been reading the tags on the presents under the tree trying to guess what was in each one. They all decided to open a gift from each other.
ella was thrilled with her high school musical gabriella and troy singing barbies from andrew...
andrew got right to work on his pokemon guess who game from ella...
christopher immediately stuck his nose into his new book from andrew
(diary of a whimpy kid #1)...
and john-john loved his new set of trucks ("chucks")....
they were so happy with their gifts and it gave them something special to do on Christmas Eve afternoon as chris and i were getting the house and brunch ready for the mid-morning crowd at our house on
christmas day.
then we were off to mass and dinner at grandma and grandpa's house....