Friday, June 19, 2015

fresh o.j.

these pics are from last spring when d was just a baby, probably about 7 months old.
we had wonderful citrus trees at our last house - orange, tangelo and lemon.
and we are so fortunate to have two orange trees now that produce a ton of fruit.
last year i would peel half the orange for d and let him hold the unpeeled side,
he would suck out the fresh juice - he loved it and still loves his fresh oj.
and i am so lucky to have some good pickers and good juicers in the house.
the older boys do the fruit picking and john and ella do the juicing.
i know i have a more current pic of them working hard, but here's one from a few yrs. ago-
this little guy is a power house with the juicing - he doesn't stop!
and his sister is a tremendous help with it too.
there is nothing better than fresh oj, especially made from your own trees.