Thursday, October 1, 2009

oldest & youngest...

the scene at our house before bed last night:

Christopher and John-John goofing off together...

yes, that is a play baby doll stroller...i remember when christopher did the same thing to ella with the same toy stroller when she was this age (and after many times of pushing her fast around the house, eventually she fell out of it, of course, permanent damage done though).

so my oldest & youngest having fun, laughing together before bed (always a good idea to get them going before bed, right?) i love observing the different relationships between the kids...and as we all agreed last night as he was making us laugh..."what would we do without our little john-john". actually i said it and andrew said, "mom, our family wouldn't be complete"...and then i felt my heart swell with happiness.

have a great first day of October....hence the new blog colors to get me in the fall mode.

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