Tuesday, September 22, 2009

question of the day...

"Dad, who do you think would win in a race...
Usain Bolt or Tyson Gay on a bike?"
so, we have a new bike rider at our house!! being in the middle of an older brother and younger sister who both took to riding a bike without training wheels fairly young, Andrew decided to take his time mastering (or even trying) this skill for himself. for the last couple of years, he has had really no interest in even trying to ride a bike. with cool weather around the corner and my dreamy thoughts of family bike rides, I thought it was time for us to really encourage it, and even force it if we had to. (it has been nice going on a ride with the other two, but anything we can all do together as a family with everyone involved is always very exciting.)

at first, Andrew resisted and outright refused to even try. but within a day or two he came around and sure enough, first try he was riding on his own (he is after all 7 years old, soon to be 8), but would ride just straight for a very short time and then give up (scared to turn or stop). those first few days he still wasn't that into it and we even had to threaten to take away some of his favorite things if he didn't practice and give it a try...after all 'practice makes perfect', right? we want our kids to give things a try and not give up right away...so we stood firm. it took about a week and a half for him to get the hang of turning, stopping, and starting on his own (without a push).

and now.... we have an avid bike rider!! every day after school and before dinner he asks if he can ride his bike and says how fun it is, yes!...family bike rides here we come (or am I just dreaming...can all 6 of us really go on a bike ride together?...we'll see...yes, we can!...right?).

So, yesterday as Andrew was out riding his bike before dinner he calls out to Chris and asks,

"Dad, who do you think would win in a race..Usain Bolt or Tyson Gay on a bike?"

so there it is the question for the day....what do you think?

now we just need to get him a new bike helmet that fits!

1 comment:

  1. Bolt would win....by the time Gay got going, Bolt would be pointing at his new world record. as for drew's lack of interest in bike riding, i don't blame him. i still don't like turning. turning is overrated.


    oh, and emily made your monkey bread.....excellent, even though i took it out early and ate 3-14 pieces that were not even close to being cooked enough
